Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Spend Spend Spend

Why did David Cameron drop the idea that people should reduce their credit card debt?

Isn't that excellent advice?

Isn't that exactly what his Government is doing?

Isn't excessive debt the root cause of the world's current financial problems?

I can't help feeling that some vested interest (bankers?) stepped in to make the PM change his mind.

And why is everyone fixated on economic growth? Shouldn't we design our economic policies so that we all live comfortably with zero growth?

Why is it necessary for profits to be bigger year after year?

A society with a zero-growth economy would be a lot less damaging to the environment and would probably also be free of the pressures that regularly put thousands on the dole in the name of greater efficiency.

There is an expression "never waste a crisis". Isn't the present economic situation a glorious opportunity to wean the economy from its perpetual need for growth?

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