Monday, 26 September 2011

More Democracy

Greed seems to be an inevitable part of human nature - survival of the fittest. Even when the greediest people are those whose survival is least at risk.

Democracy takes the edge off that greed. Ancient lords took what they wanted and left the poorest to starve. Now the rich must at least make sure that enough of the rest of us have enough to keep us quiet so that they can get richer in peace.

Up to now we have elected representatives to Parliament with delegated authority to make decisions on our behalf because it would have been grossly impractical to hold referenda (referendums?) several times a month. Unfortunately too many elected representatives abuse their position for personal advantage. And allegiance to political parties takes precedence over the wishes of the people who elect them.

Voting to elect people to Parliament and Local Government should continue in the normal way because people need to have confidence in it.

However (even though politicans won't like it)technology is now good enough for many issues to be decided by electronic referenda instead of by Government. Every TV channel routinely holds nationwide votes to find the winners of trivial competitions. With only minor adjustments similar technology could be used for referenda on any number of issues.

I wonder how people would vote if Government allowed them to decide the top rate of tax for people earning over £300,000 a year or with over £3 million in assets? Or if they were allowed to decide the maximum bonus for bankers?

There is no techincal or economic reason why this can't be done. The only obstacle is the vested interests of those whose wealth and influence might be undermined.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


I enjoy Private Eye. Most issues have one or two items that make me laugh out loud.

But at its heart Private Eye is about the dismal side of human nature. Story after story after story tells how people with wealth and/or influence feather their own or their "friends" nests.

There are many millionaires who would still be rich after giving away enough each year to support 10, 100 or 1000 families in comfort. Yet they call for the abolition of the 50% tax rate; complain about people on welfare and complain about EU laws that prevent them from making their staff work longer hours.

Greed seems to be an inevitable part of human nature - survival of the fittest.

Just as killing is the nature of lions.